Intermediate Swim Lessons for All Ages in Westminster CO


If you are unsure of your child’s swim level, we offer a free swim assessment.

Please call our office at 303-254-6920 or email us to schedule.


5 – 12 Years

LOW DOLPHINLow Dolphin Westminster CO

This level is for students who secured all the skills at Sting Ray level. Primary skills include freestyle for 50 yards and backstroke for 25 yards. Introduction to diving, treading, and butterfly stroke.*
Up to 4 students for 30 minutes


  • Must pass STING RAY to graduate to LOW DOLPHIN

$28.00 PER CLASS

*BDSS has the right to consolidate and/or cancel class if there are only 1-2 students enrolled in the class.

HIGH DOLPHINHigh Dolphin Westminster CO

This level is for students who graduated the Low Dolphin level. Primary skills include mastery of freestyle for 100 yards, backstroke for 50 yards, butterfly for 25 yards, and dives with an introduction to breaststroke and lane etiquette.*

Up to 4 students per class for 30 minutes

Instructor may teach in water or coach from the pool deck.


  • Must pass LOW DOLPHIN to graduate to HIGH DOLPHIN

$28.00 PER CLASS

*BDSS has the right to consolidate and/or cancel class if there are only 1-2 students enrolled in the class.

Intermediate Swim Lessons Westminster CO
Childrens Swimming Classes Westminster CO
Childrens Swimming Classes Westminster CO